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  A milpa is an intercropping system traditionally used by present day Mayan farmers in Mexico and Central America. Diversity is one of the most important elements used in this kind of crop-growing system. Corn can be grown with beans, squashes and other pumpkins. The project name implies dreaming of place where diversity is celebrated as well as dreaming of a place that was once considered home. 

Soñé una Milpa (I dreamed of a Milpa) is a collaborative art project that acknowledges and celebrates the important, though often hidden experience of Latina immigrant women.


  During the summer of 2017, artists J. Leigh Garcia and Maria Amalia Wood interviewed ten Latina immigrant women from the Madison, WI community. After being invited into these women's homes, Leigh and Maria were treated to corn-based meals from each woman’s home country while listening to the women share their stories. These meaningful conversations inspired a body of artwork informed by the women's narratives. 

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